Yes, you can define jPDFProcess functions as ANT tasks, and process PDF documents from your ANT processes or workflows.

Following is an implementation of two sample ANT tasks:

  1. an ant task to convert a PDF page to an image
  2. an task to apply a digital signature to a PDF
  3. it is very easy to add an ant task for any of the PDF functions supported by jPDFProcess: create PDF, print PDF, convert PDF to images, merge PDF form data, add watermark, flatten comments or fields, assemble, linearize, extract content, encrypt.  Email us if you need help.


To use the ANT task defined in this sample, you will have to include the task definition in your ant file:

<taskdef name="PDFToImage" classname="jPDFProcessSamples.ant.PDFToImage" classpath="jpdfprocess-ant.jar;jPDFProcess.jar" />
<taskdef name="SignPDF" classname="jPDFProcessSamples.ant.SignPDF" classpath="jpdfprocess-ant.jar;jPDFProcess.jar;bcpkix-jdk14-147.jar;bcprov-jdk14-147.jar" />

and then you can use the tasks as follows:

 <PDFToImage InputFile="input.pdf" OutputFile="input_01.png" Format="png" />
<SignPDF Inputfile="input.pdf" OutputFile="input_signed.pdf" KeystoreFile="keystore.pfx" KeystorePassword="store_pwd" KeyAlias="key_alias" KeyPassword="store_pwd" />