This sample Java code using jPDFPreflight shows how to cancel the verification process once a failure of verification is found.

The com.qoppa.pdfPreflight.PDFPreflight interface gives access to a class called ResultRecord that contains a lot of information about the issue found. So it is possible to adapt this sample to cancel the verification or conversion process based on:

  • the type of result / issue found
  • the number of issues found
  • whether or not the issue can be fixed.
package jPDFPreflightSamples;
import com.qoppa.pdf.PDFException;
import com.qoppa.pdfPreflight.PDFPreflight;
import com.qoppa.pdfPreflight.ProgressListener;
import com.qoppa.pdfPreflight.profiles.PDFA_1_B_Verification;
import com.qoppa.pdfPreflight.results.PreflightResults;
import com.qoppa.pdfPreflight.results.ResultRecord;
public class ValidatePDFA_FailFast
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args)
PDFPreflight pdfPreflight = new PDFPreflight("C:\\input.pdf", null);
* create a new ProgressListener instance that will tell the preflight operation
* to cancel running once the first ResultRecord is generated
* In general a ResultRecord indicates failure of verification. A user
* may or may not be interested in generating the full list of Result Records.
* This mechanism allows for quick termination of the verification process based
* on the accumulated issues found. 
ProgressListener listener = new ProgressListener(){
private boolean shouldCancel = false;
public void progress(int pageNumber, int percent, String message)
public boolean shouldCancel()
return shouldCancel;
public void resultAdded(ResultRecord result)
shouldCancel = true;
// Validate the document
PreflightResults results = pdfPreflight.verifyDocument(new PDFA_1_B_Verification(), listener);
if (results.isSuccessful())
System.out.println("PDF is compliant");
System.out.println("PDF is not compliant");
// Add annotations to the document
// Append report to the document
results.appendPreflightReport(612, 792);
// Save the PDF document with annotations and report
catch(Throwable t)