You can allocate more memory to any of Qoppa’s PDF Libraries Demo Application by editing the file that ends with a “vmoptions” extension in the installation folder of the Application.

For instance, to allocate more memory to Qoppa’s Demo Application for jPDFOptimizer library, go to the installation folder “C:\Program Files\jPDFOptimizer-v2017R1” (On Windows) and edit the file called “jPDFOptimizerSample.vmoptions”.

To increase the memory from 768 Megabytes (the default) to 1024 Meg for instance, change the memory allocation setting from

# Memory allocated. This number can be increased, i.e. change 768 into 1024 


# Memory allocated. This number can be increased, i.e. change 768 into 1024 

Note that 768 Megabytes should be plenty and allow you to optimize very large PDF documents. You will only need to increase the memory if you are running with exceptionally large documents and getting into out of memory errors when processing your files.
