This sample program reads a text file and converts it to a PDF document. using Qoppa’s free Java PDF library jPDFWriter.
This sample uses the PDFPrinterJob object to “print” the text to the PDF file.
/** * Qoppa Software - Source Code Sample */ package jPDFWriterSamples; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.print.PageFormat; import java.awt.print.Printable; import java.awt.print.PrinterJob; import; import java.util.Vector; import com.qoppa.pdfWriter.PDFPrinterJob; public class TextPrinter implements Printable { private int m_CurrentPage; private int m_CurrentPageStartLine; private int m_CurrentPageEndLine; private Vector m_Lines; public static void main (String [] args) { try { // Load a text file into a string FileReader inputFile = new FileReader ("input.txt"); StringBuffer fileContent = new StringBuffer (); char [] buffer = new char [256]; int charsRead =; while (charsRead > 0) { fileContent.append(buffer, 0, charsRead); charsRead = (buffer); } // Create object to print the text TextPrinter textPrinter = new TextPrinter (fileContent); // Create a PDF printer job and print the text to it PrinterJob printerJob = PDFPrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); printerJob.setPrintable(textPrinter); printerJob.print(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } // Exit System.exit(0); } public TextPrinter (StringBuffer printString) { // Break up the string into lines int currentIndex = 0; m_Lines = new Vector (); do { String nextLine = null; int endOfLine = printString.indexOf("\n", currentIndex); if (endOfLine == -1) { nextLine = printString.substring (currentIndex); currentIndex = -1; } else { nextLine = printString.substring (currentIndex, endOfLine); currentIndex = endOfLine + 1; } m_Lines.addElement (nextLine); } while (currentIndex != -1); } public int print (Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int pageIndex) { int lineHeight = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); // Reset current pos int currentLine = 0; if (pageIndex == 0) { // Need to do this in case the instance of this class // gets used multiple times to print a string m_CurrentPage = 0; m_CurrentPageStartLine = 0; } // Need to do this because Java PrinterJob can call this // method multiple times for the same page; else if (m_CurrentPage == pageIndex) { currentLine = m_CurrentPageStartLine; } else { currentLine = m_CurrentPageEndLine + 1; m_CurrentPageStartLine = currentLine; } // If we're out of lines, tell the PrinterJob we're done if (currentLine >= m_Lines.size()) { return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE; } // Loop through lines until we fill the page double currentY = pf.getImageableY() + lineHeight; while (currentLine < m_Lines.size() && currentY + lineHeight < pf.getImageableY() + pf.getImageableHeight()) { // Draw the next line String nextLine = (String)m_Lines.elementAt (currentLine); g.drawString (nextLine, (int)pf.getImageableX(), (int)currentY); // Advance to the next line ++currentLine; currentY += lineHeight; } // Save the ned line and current page // Again, we have to do this because of multiple calls for the same page. m_CurrentPageEndLine = currentLine; m_CurrentPage = pageIndex; return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS; } } |