Java program to create a PDF document from a data table using Qoppa’s Free Java PDF library jPDFWriter. The program draws the data to the document in a table form, with an optional grid.

 * Qoppa Software - Source Code Sample
package jPDFWriterSamples;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
import java.awt.print.Printable;
import java.awt.print.PrinterException;
import java.awt.print.PrinterJob;
import java.util.Vector;
import com.qoppa.pdfWriter.PDFPrinterJob;
public class DataTablePrinter implements Printable
	private int m_CurrentPage;
	private int m_CurrentPageStartRow;
	private int m_CurrentPageEndRow;
	private final static int DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH = 72;
	private final static int CELL_MARGIN_X = 4;
	private final static int CELL_MARGIN_Y = 4;
	private Vector m_Data;
	private int m_ColumnWidths [];
	private boolean m_DrawGrid;
    public static void main (String args [])
        DataTablePrinter tablePrinter = new DataTablePrinter(initData (), null, true);
        PrinterJob printerJob = PDFPrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
        catch (PrinterException pe)
        // Exit
	public DataTablePrinter(Vector data, int [] colWidths, boolean drawGrid) 
		m_Data = data;
		m_ColumnWidths = colWidths;
		m_DrawGrid = drawGrid;
	private static Vector initData ()
		Vector data = new Vector ();
		// Initialize data
		for (int row = 0; row < 100; ++row)
			Vector rowData = new Vector ();
			for (int col = 0; col < 5; ++col)
				rowData.addElement ("Cell " + row + ", " + col);
			data.addElement (rowData);
		return data;
	public int print (Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int pageIndex)
		int lineHeight = g.getFontMetrics().getHeight();
		// Reset current pos
		int currentRow = 0;
		if (pageIndex == 0)
			// Need to do this in case the instance of this class
			// gets used multiple times to print a string
			m_CurrentPage = 0;
			m_CurrentPageStartRow = 0;
		// Need to do this because Java PrinterJob can call this
		// method multiple times for the same page;
		else if (m_CurrentPage == pageIndex)
			currentRow = m_CurrentPageStartRow;
			currentRow = m_CurrentPageEndRow + 1;
			m_CurrentPageStartRow = currentRow;
		// If we're out of lines, tell the PrinterJob we're done
		if (currentRow >= m_Data.size())
			return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;
		// Loop through lines until we fill the page
		int currentY = (int)(pf.getImageableY() + lineHeight);
		while (currentRow < m_Data.size() && 
				currentY + lineHeight < pf.getImageableY() + pf.getImageableHeight())
			// Draw the next line
			int currentX = (int)pf.getImageableX();
			Vector nextRow = (Vector)m_Data.elementAt (currentRow);
			for (int col = 0; col < nextRow.size(); ++col)
				String cellString = (String)nextRow.elementAt (col);
				g.drawString (cellString, currentX + CELL_MARGIN_X, currentY + CELL_MARGIN_Y);
				int colWidth = DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH;
				if (m_ColumnWidths != null && m_ColumnWidths.length > col)
					colWidth = m_ColumnWidths [col];
				// Draw grid if needed
				if (m_DrawGrid)
					g.drawRect (currentX, currentY - (lineHeight / 2), colWidth, lineHeight);
				// Advance x
				currentX += colWidth;
			// Advance to the next line
			currentY += lineHeight;
		// Save the ned line and current page
		// Again, we have to do this because of multiple calls for the same page.
		m_CurrentPageEndRow = currentRow;
		m_CurrentPage = pageIndex;
		return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;