Here is a sample code in Android showing how to launch QPDFNotesView and add a document listener that implements the documentOpened() method, allowing to do something each time a PDF document is open.

In this sample, when a PDF is open and it is an interactive PDF form, all interactive form fields are set to read only. It also outputs field names for fields that are marked as required to the log. This will deactivate the filling of form fields in QPDFNotesView and dialogs will not popup when clicking on form fields. Note that if the document saved, the form fields will be saved with the read-only flag.

package com.qoppa;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.Vector;
import com.qoppa.notes.QPDFNotesView;
import com.qoppa.notes.settings.JavaScriptSettings;
import com.qoppa.viewer.listeners.DocumentListener;
public class FormFieldActivity extends Activity 
	public QPDFNotesView notes;
	protected void onCreate(Bundle bundle)
		notes = new QPDFNotesView(this);
		notes.addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener(){
			public void documentOpened()
				// get acroform 
                                Acroform acroform = notes.getDocument().getAcroForm();
                                if(acroform != null)
                                   // get a vector of all the document fields
                                   Vector fields = acroform.getFieldList();
				   FormField currentField;
				    // loop through all the fields
				    for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++)
					currentField =(FormField) fields.get(i); 
					// set the field to read only
					// if the field is required, log its name
					if (currentField.isRequired())
						Log.e("REQUIRED_FIELD", currentField.getFullFieldName());
			public void documentSaved(String previousPath){}
			public void zoomChanged(float zoom){}