When jOfficeConvert is set to embed fonts, we will attempt to find the best matching font file available on the system. Sometimes we can’t always find the best match and alternatives will be used. To obtain more detailed logging on the process and details for each attempt to find a matching font turn on the […]
Articles Tagged: font embedding
Embed a font in a PDF and write text content with the new font
This little sample code shows how to add a font to a PDF document and than add some text content to the PDF using this newly embedded font, using Qoppa’s PDF library jPDFProcess. // Create a blank document and add a page PDFDocument pdf = new PDFDocument(); PDFPage newPage = pdf.appendNewPage(8.5 * 72, 11 * […]
Embed fonts when converting PDF to PDF/A
As of version v2016R1, Qoppa’s jPDFPreflight will try and embed fonts when converting PDF documents to PDF/A whenever possible. Font embedding is supported for: Non-embedded Standard 14 PDF fonts with MacRomanEncoding, No Encoding or WinAnsiEncoding. Non-embedded simple fonts with MacRomanEncoding or WinAnsiEncoding Non-embedded composite fonts (often CJK) using a predefined CMap encoding (other than Identity-H/V) […]
Font Matching Logic when converting Word to PDF with embedded fonts
To create a PDF with embedded fonts, a local embeddable TrueType font file has to be identified for each Word document font. In the case where a local font cannot be determined for a Word document font then jWordConvert can be supplied with a single “fallback” font file path to use instead. Here is more […]
Setting the option to embed fonts or not when converting Word to PDF
In version v2016R1, it is possible to customize jOfficeConvert to either embed or not embed fonts in the output PDF document converted from Microsoft Word. Option to Embed Fonts Embedding fonts is the default option in jOfficeConvert starting in version v2016R1. It is important to define a fall back font to be used in case […]