When running Qoppa Java PDF library jPDFOptimizer to optimize a PDF document and reduce its file size, it is possible to get optimization results of all performed functions as an object called OptimiseResults which allows to programmatically analyze the results and/or output them to a console or to an XML file.

Output Optimizer Results to the Console

// Optimize the document and return optimization results
OptimizeResults optimizeResults = pdfOptimize.optimize(options, "C:\\test\\myfile_opt.pdf");
// Write the optimization results to the console
 if (optimizeResults.getResults() != null)
   for (OptimizeResult result : optimizeResults.getResults())
     // recursively write children

where the write method is the following:

// this method write an OptimizeResult object and its children recursively
public static void write(OptimizeResult result)
  System.out.println(result.getCount() + " " + result.getDescription());
  if (result.getChildren() != null)
     for (OptimizeResult curResult : result.getChildren())

Here is a sample output to the console:

originalBytes 4843764
newBytes 9663955
0 DuplicateImagesMerged
0 DuplicateFontsMerged
0 AltImagesDiscarded
12 LinksDiscarded
0 AnnotationsDiscarded
0 BookmarksDiscarded
1 DocumentInfoDiscarded
0 FileAttachmentsDiscarded
0 FormFieldsDiscarded
1 JSActionsDiscarded
0 ThumbnailsDiscarded
1 XMPMetadataDiscarded
241 ColorImages
237 JPEG (DCTDecode) - JPEG 2000 (0.8)
4 Flate (FlateDecode) - JPEG 2000 (0.8)
1 GrayscaleImages
1 Flate (FlateDecode) - JBIG2 B&W, Black and White
0 BlackAndWhiteImages

Output to an XML file

// Optimize the document and return optimization results
OptimizeResults optimizeResults = pdfOptimize.optimize(options, "C:\\test\\myfile_opt.pdf");
// Write the results to an xml file
FileOutputStream optOut = new FileOutputStream("c:\\test\\myfile_opt_results.xml");
Sample Optimizer Results in XML format