This knowledge base entry is regarding Network Ports and Firewalls when deploying PDF Automation Server.

PDF Automation Server opens a number of ports to provide PDF services as well as to manager the server.  The inbound ports that the server listens on, and their defaults are:

RMI Registry – This port is used by the management object registry – TCP 1099
RMI Objects – This port is used by server management objects – TCP 1100
REST Service Port – The RESTful server uses this port to provide PDF services – TCP 8090

In order to function properly and to allow for remote management, these ports must be open for incoming connections.

On a Linux / Unix firewall, if the default action for the INPUT chain is to DROP the packet, the following iptables commands are necessary to open the ports:

iptables –A INPUT –p tcp –-dport 1099 –j ACCEPT
iptables –A INPUT –p tcp –-dport 1100 –j ACCEPT
iptables –A INPUT –p tcp –-dport 8090 –j ACCEPT

To test that the RMI Registry and Object ports are open and functioning, run the PDF Manager program from a different computer and attempt to connect to the computer that is running the server.

To test that the RESTful server port is open and functioning, open any browser and type in the following URL:

http://server name or ip/jPDFService

If working correctly, the RESTful API documentation should come up in the browser.

When PDF Automation Server is installed, it will default its ports to those stated above. These can be changed by modifying the PASprop.xml file in the installation folder in Linux / Unix, or the \ProgramData\QoppaPAS folder in Windows. The three attributes that control these ports are:


After making any changes to these values, the server must be restarted.