Q: Can jPDFNotes, Qoppa’s Java PDF markup component, be used to compare 2 PDF documents side by side? Our customers are architectural and engineering professionals who need to examine small details in a blueprints and drawings. A: Qoppa’s jPDFNotes comes with a side by side comparison component which lets you compare 2 PDF documents in […]
Category: jPDFNotes: PDF Annotating Component
Swing PDF Component to integrate in web or Java applications to view, annotate PDF documents and fill interactive forms.
Are PDF files loaded from input streams or URLs saved locally?
Q: We see that your PDF component can load PDF files directly from an input stream from a remote server and save the files back to the server. How does your component handle the PDFs when working with them? Are the files being saved to a local copy and then deleted? A: The answer is […]
Exporting and Merging PDF annotations in FDF and XFDF format
By default, jPDFNotes saves annotations within the PDF document. Qoppa’s PDF tools are fully compliant with the PDF format specs, so all annotations created by jPDFNotes are usable by other PDF applications (such as Adobe Reader), and vice-versa. The PDF format also defines two other file formats to store annotations separate from the PDF document, they […]
jPDFNotes Localization Languages
jPDFNotes comes in 5 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish. jPDFNotes being built on top of our viewer-only component jPDFViewer, the localization for jPDFNotes works the same as for jPDFViewer. See our entry in the jPDFViewer knowledge base. The only differences is that there are 2 files to localize: ViewerLabels.properties AND NotesLabels.properties. The label files can be […]
What is jPDFNotes?
jPDFNotes is a PDF Reader / Annotator / Form Filler / Digital Signer for Java. It is a Java Swing component to view and markup PDF documents with all kind of graphical or markup annotations as well as fill interactive PDF forms and sign PDF documents. jPDFNotes is just the component but it can be […]
Side panels visibility: Attachments, Thumbnails, Bookmarks, Signatures, Comments
How can I hide or show side panels / tabs (such as Thumbnails, Bookmarks, Signatures or Comments) in the left split panes in the PDFNotesBean? Customizing Default Behavior Use com.qoppa.pdfViewer.InitialViewSettings to customize the default behavior when opening a document. For example, the code below will change the default behavior to open always open the document […]
Running jPDFNotes PDF component within an applet
Q: We would like to enable our users to annotate PDF documents “online” and deploy jPDFNotes within an applet. Can jPDFNotes run in Internet browsers such as IE6 or Firefox or Safari? What are the best practice instructions on how to configure the applet for optimal performance and minimal user-intervention? A: jPDFNotes can run in […]
Non-Latin character in form fields
Q: When I type in non-Latin characters in interactive PDF form fields, some characters vanish or disappear. Why is that so? What can I do to fix this? A: The problem with non-Latin characters (Greek, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew) disappearing after being entered in an interactive text field has to do with the way that fonts […]
jPDFNotes Java API
Q: Where can I find jPDFNotes javadoc API? A: You can find the API specification for the latest version of our library jPDFNotes on our website at this link. jPDFNotes is a java bean to display and annotate PDF documents and fill interactive PDF forms in Java applications and applets.
Configuring webeditor, webnotes, webviewer with a config xml file
Q: How can I configure the sample applets PDFWebEditor, PDFWebNotes, PDFWebViewer that Qoppa provides as samples? A: You can configure the applets through a config.xml file by adding it to the applet parameter tag of the HTML: Config:”config.xml” The config.xml file can be used to customize any of our 3 sample applets PDFWebViewer, PDFWebNotes and […]
Can jPDFNotes delete or insert pages within PDF documents?
Q: Can jPDFNotes delete or insert pages within a PDF document? How about flattening annotations or form fields? A: If you’d like the option for your users to delete/ insert pages or flatten annotations or fields within PDF documents, it is possible to do so using jPDFNotes. The interface MutableDocument allows document manipulation within jPDFNotes. This interface is […]
Better PDF Viewer Annotator for Oracle IPM
Qoppa Software offers a standalone PDF renderer and annotator for Oracle® Webcenter Content Imaging, formerly known Oracle Imaging and Process Management (Oracle I/PM). Our Oracle IPM PDF renderer is faster and more reliable than the built-in Oracle IPM viewer and can be used as an alternative or a substitution. And our licensing is affordable when […]
Annotations not visible in other PDF viewers
Q: We have noticed PDF documents edited with jPDFNotes do not show their annotation when rendered in a PDF viewer used by one of our applications. This may be a limitation of the other viewer rather than your component. If this is the case, can your component be configured to render directly onto the underlying […]
Java PDF OCR library sdk
Qoppa offers a PDF OCR solution for Java which supports most languages, including English, German, French, and Spanish as well as Chinese, Japanese and Korean. It is available for Windows®, Mac OS X® and Linux®, in 32 and 64 bit. This is a clean, production-level Java integration of the well-known Tesseract engine with Qoppa’s own advanced […]
JavaScript Support in Java PDF Libraries and Components
Q: Does Qoppa’s PDF library products support JavaScript? A: Yes, Qoppa’s Java PDF SDK API has support JavaScript. How is JavaScript used in PDF documents? Mostly, JavaScript is used in interactive PDF forms in field actions to calculate the value of fields, validate field data to prevent invalid entry and format special fields such as dates, […]