Q: Is it possible with jPDFWeb to convert a whole PDF document to single HTML output file?

A: Yes, Qoppa’s Java PDF library, jPDFWeb, can export each page of a PDF document as an SVG element. It is then simple to add HTML header and tags around all the SVG elements to make it a single HTML page. see sample code below.

public static void  main (String [] args)
            PDFWeb pdfWeb = new PDFWeb("C:\\mydoc.pdf", null);
            // create a writer for the output file
            File outputFile = new File("mydoc.html");
            PrintWriter outWriter = new PrintWriter(outputFile, "UTF-8");
            writeHTML(pdfWeb, outWriter);
            System.out.println("Done! Look at file " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath());
        catch (Throwable t)

where writeHTML is the following method:

// Write pages as HTML
public static void writeHTML(PDFWeb pdfweb, PrintWriter outWriter) throws PDFException, IOException
// write HTML page header
outWriter.println(  "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
+ "<!-- Created by Qoppa Software's jPDFWeb (http://www.qoppa.com) -->\n"
+ "<html>\n"
+ "	<head>\n"
+ "		<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"jPDFWeb : Java PDF to HTML5 Conversion\">\n"
+ "		<meta name=\"author\" content=\"Qoppa Software\">\n"
+ "		<meta name=\"website\" content=\"http://www.qoppa.com\">\n"
+ "		<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n"
+ "		<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
+ "			body {background-color:lightgray; text-align:center;}\n"
+ "			.pageRect {fill:white;}\n"
+ "			#topSvg {padding:5px; margin:auto;}\n"
+ "		</style>\n"
+ "	</head>\n"
+ "	<body>");
// Convert pages
for(int i = 0; i < pdfweb.getPageCount(); i++)
 pdfweb.savePageAsSVG(i, outWriter);
// End HTML page

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