Here is the source code of a few sample servlets that we created to work with jPDFWeb, to upload PDFs to the server, convert PDF documents to HTML on the server and then serve the HTML back to the client browser.

Download rar file containing sample servlets (includes source code)

'.$f->get_tpl_var('file_display_name',$e).' '.((($f->get_tpl_var('file_post_id',$e)) && get_the_ID() != ($f->get_tpl_var('file_post_id',$e)))?('» '.__(__('Post', 'wp-filebase')).''):('')).'
'.((($f->get_tpl_var('file_version',$e)))?(''.__(__('Version:', 'wp-filebase')).' '.$f->get_tpl_var('file_version',$e).'
'.$f->get_tpl_var('file_hits',$e).' '.__(__('Downloads', 'wp-filebase')).'
'.__(__('Details', 'wp-filebase')).'