Version: v2016R2
Release Date: August 31, 2016
PDF Library: jWordConvert

This version includes all fixes and improvements added to Qoppa’s PDF parsing and rendering engine, jPDFViewer v2016R1.

New Features

JWOR-314 – Try & find language-script-based fonts for BiDi/CS and Far East Asia themes to avoid text shown as .notdef chars
JWOR-325 – API Cleanup: Remove unnecessary static methods in WordDocument to convert a list of Word documents to a single PDF. The same result can be achieved by creating a WordDocument with the first document and appending the remaining Word documents using the append method.
JWOR-332 – Added support for Top-to-Bottom and Bottom-to-top text directions in table cells
JWOR-331 – Added support for “Scheme color” property and border ln.noFill property for DrawingML shapes.

Bug Fixes
JWOR-330 – Fix issue with 2 column layout and add code to detect infinite loop
JWOR-333 – Do not convert font paths to lower case which creates issue on Linux
JWOR-334 – Eliminated possible NPE in LocalFonts.findLocalFontInfo when no font directories are found.
JWOR-329 – Weird characters when rendering embedded font in Adobe Reader at specific zoom levels.
JWOR-328 – NullPointerException due to not checking for possibility of null “form field data” in a check box form field.

Sample Application Improvements
JWOR-326 – jWordConvert Sample / Demo App: Add progress dialog
